Model Castings

Maxim Event Models

Interested to becoming a Model at a Maxim Magazine Event?

VIP Nightlife searches for models to host our events specifically for Maxim Magazine as well as other sponsorship opportunities. Perks to being a model can include free tickets to high profile red carpet events, promotion on our website, and featured in the articles and media outlets covering event. Not to mention, many models receive pay to represent brands and sponsors at our events. * Feel free to also submit the below requested details via

Submit to become a Maxim Event Model

Fields marked with an * are required

General Info

Please let us know your current measurements:

Checkbox List *

Photo release agreement

You represent and warrant that you are the sole and exclusive owner of any content being uploaded herein, are at least 21 years of age as of the date of this submission, have all necessary rights to submit this photo, and the person depicted in the photograph is an accurate and current picture of you. Any content you upload will not violate or infringe upon any common law or statutory rights of any person, firm or corporation, including, without limitation, contractual rights, copyrights and rights of privacy. You grant VIP Nightlife, LLC the unlimited non-exclusive license to use any content provided in all forms of media in perpetuity.

You further agree to indemnify, defend and hold VIP Nightlife, LLC, its subsidiaries, principals, attorneys, employees, sponsors, talent, contractors, agents, and affiliates harmless against any third party claim, liability, proceeding or cost and expense (including reasonable, outside attorneys’ fees and costs) in connection with any third party claim arising from any breach of the representations and warranties made above.

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