Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar Las Vegas

Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar – Las Vegas

Davidoff Cigar Bar is the premier cigar bar in Vegas and best setting to enjoy a fine cigar and spirit while enjoying the sights and sounds of The Strip!

Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar Las Vegas
Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar Las Vegas
Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar Las Vegas
Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar Las Vegas
Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar Las Vegas
Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar Las Vegas
Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar Las Vegas

Venue Description

The 1,500 sq foot Davidoff of Geneva cigar bar is a $1 million addition to the Fashion Show Mall. The circular bar, with its high-end drink menu focused on scotch and bourbon, is central to the smoking lounge, walk-in humidor, and cigar store. Specialized interior ventilation keeps the place fresh, while through the bar’s breakaway doors are 50 seats on the patio looking out across the Strip at the Wynn and Encore. The cigar bar is one of seven Davidoff outlets on the Strip.

Davidoff Cigar Bar focuses on cigars, but don’t ignore the drinks. Find bourbons, tequilas, and more behind the bar that sits on the plaza at Fashion Show mall. Take a break from shopping, lounge on the patio and enjoy the cigar bar’s social hour; offered Sunday through Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. with deals such as 50 percent off wines, beers, and specialty cocktails plus free Champagne for the ladies. Another daily from noon to 2 p.m. brings half-priced bloody Marys, mimosas, and more.

So when the best time to visit Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar? New Year’s Eve; of course! And if you still have questions; then head to our Contact Info to connect with us. We have highly trained Vegas Nightlife pros standing by and ready to help you, 24/7. We’d love to hear from you!

When you choose VIP Nightlife to plan a night out; you don’t have to know anything about Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar to have the time of your life. With years of experience, our team can take your ideas from an inspiration to a fully executed, once-in-a-lifetime occasion. VIP Nightlife will create an event experience for your every need and services groups of all sizes; up to 1000 or more. So let us plan your next great night out in Sin City; just ask us how! And be sure to Like Us on Facebook so you can keep up with our Upcoming Events and Deals.

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Quick Facts & Faqs

Where is Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar located in Las Vegas?
Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar is located in the Fashion Show Las Vegas; at 3200 Las Vegas Blvd. #1245, Las Vegas, NV 89109.
What are the Hours of Operation?
Fri/Sat: 11am – 2am, Sun: 10am – 1am, Mon/Thurs: 11am – 1am.
Is this an 18 and over place?
No. All patrons must be at least 21 years of age with proper, legal identification (i.e. Driver’s license, passport, etc.).
What is the scene like at Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar?
Davidoff cigar on the Las Vegas strip is a true cigar aficionado’s dream. Nice selection of cigars in the walk-in humidor, great food & friendly staff make this a definite go to spot. The atmosphere is awesome and so are the people. They have lots of daily drink specials during the week. If you don’t prefer smoke I would sit outside where they have fans for hot days.
Is there a dress code at Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar?
There is no dress code. But we do recommend collared shirts are required for men. NO hats, shorts, flip flops, backless women’s sandals, men’s sandals, sneakers (e.g. Nike, Adidas), athletic wear, ripped or oversized clothing, steel toe shoes or work boots (e.g. Lugz, Timberlands).
Can you bring your own cigars here?
What forms of payment does Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar accept?
Accepts Cash · Visa · American Express · Mastercard · Discover
Where’s the best place to park?
Fashion show mall parking garage, 2nd level and exit out back through Zara it will take you out facing the street.
Where can I find an list of upcoming events / DJs in Las Vegas?
You can view upcoming events on the Featured Events page on our site.
Don’t see your question?
Head to our Contact Info to connect with us directly.
This content was accurate at time Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar was reviewed. Please check with venue to verify that details are still correct.

Dress Code Policy

Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar dress code is upscale, modern and trendy. Men are recommended to wear dress shoes and collared shirts. Avoid anything considered athletic attire (e.g. jerseys, shorts, track suits). Ladies can’t go wrong with a little black dress and heels. Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any guest who does not meet dress code requirements.

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